Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

How To Keep Your Breasts Attractive?

By Elisabeth Dale

Use Your Own Breast Judgment!

A new study funded by a grant from the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation purports to give women advice on how they can keep their breasts looking more youthful and attractive. And what criteria are used to define aesthetically pleasing breasts?

Three key factors made for a positive mammary impact according to the Aesthetic Surgery Journal article, “Determinants of Breast Appearance and Aging in Twins.” These conclusions were drawn from a review of the topless medical photos of 161 pairs of identical twins. The average age of participants was 47.6 years. Daily moisturizing made a difference, as did the use of hormone replacement therapy, and breastfeeding (but only for quality of skin, not so much for sagging). Smoking and alcohol consumption led to more wrinkles and less perkier “girls.” Researchers also found:

“Twins who received hormone replacement therapy after menopause had more attractive breast shape, size, projection, areolar shape, and areolar size. However, twins who had a higher body mass index, greater number of pregnancies, and larger cup sizes had significantly less attractive breasts.”

Really? Turns out larger cup size leads to premature aging and thus less attractive breasts. Since bra size span from AA to KK and beyond, where does “large” begin (or end for that matter)? The twin pictures were also “subjectively rated by 6 plastic surgery residents.” One wonders whether the age, sex, or personal experience of those passing judgment might have anything to do with results of the study. After all, beauty is often found in the eye of the beholder—regardless of any objective standards.

“Breast appearance is incredibly important for women. This study is significant because it clearly shows women what they can do right now to help slow the aging process and keep their breasts looking attractive, even without surgical intervention,” said Foad Nahai, MD, Editor-in-Chief of Aesthetic Surgery Journal. While that may be true, it could be more important for women to ignore subjective standards of breast appearance and use their own best judgment. If I feel good about myself, my boobs look great whatever their shape or size.

What do you think? Are such studies helpful or harmful?


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