Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

The Wild Horses of Sable Island Gallery

By Marina Rybak

Beauty Unveiled Through The Vision of Roberto Dutesco 

With festive red signs prominently displayed everywhere even a casual stroll through Bloomingdales is a reminder that we are entering the year of The Horse. Precisely speaking, 2014 is a year of The Wooden Horse according to Chinese Astrology, and based on the lunar calendar.

As we gallop towards frontiers of our unfamiliar destiny, new creative energy is unfolding.  Surely we are about to set out on an unexpected, action-packed adventure. It will be up to us individually and collectively to make different choices this year. Exercising unwavering faith, we can fully embrace the freedom of self-expression that this energy ignites.

So in the spirit of The Horse Year we geta whiff of breathtaking and rare dynamic equine beauty. Checking out the longest running photography exhibit in New York – The Wild Horses of Sable Island, on view at 64 Grand Street Gallery  through 07/15/2014, we can experience the sensual elegance of this spectacular animal.

The photographer Roberto Dutesco narrates a lyrical visual story of the wild herd of four hundred horses, gracefully surviving and thriving in the harshest habitat of this small Canadian island. Their ancestors were abandoned on the island, presently uninhabited by humans, centuries ago. Dutesco is an absolute master in capturing the magic of these animals and sharing their primal, fearless existence through his spellbinding images. And thanks to his efforts, the Canadian government is protecting Sable Island now as a national treasure. The exhibition is a pure expression of love and not to be missed.


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