Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

How to Top Google Search Results

By Ali Cudby

There are tricks retailers can use to top Google search results, and every retailer should aspire to page one in search engines. Being on page one means more customers – and new, potential customers – will see your business name, click the link and interact with you.

Not only that, the more real estate you occupy on page one of Google search results, there is less impact from that  negative Yelp review that might be out there. Minimizing negative Yelp reviews also empowers you to deal with the occasional customer who uses social media as a threat – “give me what I want, or else.” (Not that these moments happen often, of course…)

All of these are tools in your arsenal, designed to boost your online reputation and your lingerie business.

In The Intimate Circle, an online membership program designed to help lingerie businesses grow and thrive, we talked about building digital foundations with web veteran Lori Culwell. Culwell, who is the founder of get creative, inc., has worked with clients ranging from Apple Computer to Harley-Davidson. She shared her expertise and provided a wide array of actionable tips to make an online presence work hardest for your business, without wasting time, energy or money.

So how do you maximize your business on Google and minimize Yelp in three easy steps?

Step 1: Take ownership of the key social media platforms by using your name effectively, so it’s searchable. That means adding your name to your URL and website in the about section of social media sites like Facebook and Linked In.

Step 2: Add a site map to your website so that it will pop up first in a Google Search. Have you ever searched for information and seen more than just a couple lines in a business description? That’s likely due to strategic use of a site map. It’s all a matter of finding the right plug-ins to turn a site map into a tool for Google and other web engines to see and apply it to search results.

Step 3: Own your location, particularly if you are a local, bricks-and-mortar business. That means using your website strategically to speak to the specific locales you serve, with the specific products you sell. Think like a customer – what are they searching for?

This may not be the sexy or even fun part of the business, but it’s critical for maximizing your hard work on behalf of the woman you serve, and letting potential customers know you’re out there to serve them.

Learn more about the specific step you can take to boost your digital foundations, pop higher in Google searches, and minimize negative Yelp reviews at The Intimate Circle. Get information every month, from experts from inside and outside the world of lingerie, designed to boost your lingerie business.



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