Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Conversation with Colette & Sebastian Founder Colette Khalil

by DEEDEE CROSLAND Conversation with Colette & Sebastian Founder Colette KhalilColette & Sebastian is a luxury lingerie brand based in New York City and has had the market buzzing since it’s launch last February. Founder, Colette Khalil talks about her interesting entrepreneurial journey that started with her business and finance degrees then took a very creative and passionate turn to designing lingerie inspired by a visit to Florence, Italy! Colette & Sebastian was launched to share passion and uniquely inspired creations with the world. Check out the entire Colette & Sebastian collection this month at CurveNY.

Listen to Deedee’s interview with Colette from COLETTE & SEBASTIAN


Deedee’s love and knowledge of lingerie, her passion for storytelling and connecting with people through podcasts.


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