Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Intimate Pageantry ~ Honeymoon Lingerie

By Aimee Guthinger

Like many other areas around the country and beyond, it’s been crazy here on Cape Cod this July! And here in Osterville Village we’re preparing for the 43rd Annual Village Day this Saturday, 7/21 which also means here at Bedroom I’s Boutique we’re getting our parade float ready too! Funny how something like parade float decorations tend to send my creative thoughts into overdrive and this time they lead me to the topic of pageantry again. Specifically how lingerie fits into the pageantry of a wedding and I was surprised when the following idea struck me all of the sudden. 

Perhaps as close to the couple as their vows and the rings they exchange, so too is the bridal lingerie. After all, it’s just as intimate and perhaps even more so in that of these 3 aspects shared between the bride & groom, only the lingerie is shared between them alone.  It’s true that bridal lingerie is often the focus of showers, bachelorette celebrations and thereby has a role among the women closest to the bride, however once those traditional gatherings are over and the gifts have been exchanged among them, the lingerie is meant only for the couple themselves.  This may read like common sense, but think about it and imagine how truly unique and personal a gift of bridal lingerie is destined to become.

So this week, I’d like to encourage those readers who are also brides to get to know their intimate style. Try on some familiar favorites and then try on some styles that you have not before.  You don’t have to go overboard, but visit a specialty boutique or the lingerie department at your local department store and just start exploring.  While there you may decide to create wish list for an upcoming shower? You may find something that makes you feel beautiful and decide to treat yourself and you may just walk away with a better sense of your intimate style.  You can also try bringing up the subject with your fiance and perhaps identify some styles that he likes in doing so? And if your groom insists that anything is perfect so long as he finds it on you, then first, take a moment to appreciate that and then consider it his invitation to pack anything you wish for your honeymoon nights! Above all else, have fun! And if questions come up, don’t hesitate to send them my way.  I’ll be happy to help whenever possible!

Valery Lingerie

Cosabella Lingerie


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