Sassybax smoothes a woman’s silhouette…
The man who said, “Everything that can be invented has been invented,” never wore a bra. When the head of the U.S. Patent Office said this in the late 1800s, he clearly had no idea of the future need for a bra that slims a woman’s torso without causing age-revealing bulges. Amanda Horan Kennedy invented Sassybax bras for real bodies, and in 2004 she introduced them to the high-end market, selling $1 million wholesale within the first year.
Sassybax smoothes a woman’s silhouette, eliminates the possibility of bra bulge and provides exceptional comfort as it slims the back and torso. “Fear is a great motivator,” said Amanda. “A few years ago, when fashions got slimmer but I hadn’t, I suddenly became afraid for the first time of looking my age. I created Sassybax for women like me who need a little help keeping their figure looking younger and more fit.”
Amanda thought that if control-top pantyhose could tame and slim a woman’s bottom half, a control-top bra should be able to do the same thing for the upper half. She created a crude prototype, specified exact design and function criteria, and together with a textile company manufactured Sassybax’s flagship seamless bra.