Sassybax – Are You Ready For Fall?
Sassybax smoothes a woman’s silhouette…

The man who said, “Everything that can be invented has been invented,” never wore a bra. When the head of the U.S. Patent Office said this in the late 1800s, he clearly had no idea of the future need for a bra that slims a woman’s torso without causing age-revealing bulges. Amanda Horan Kennedy invented Sassybax bras for real bodies, and in 2004 she introduced them to the high-end market, selling $1 million wholesale within the first year.
Sassybax smoothes a woman’s silhouette, eliminates the possibility of bra bulge and provides exceptional comfort as it slims the back and torso. “Fear is a great motivator,” said Amanda. “A few years ago, when fashions got slimmer but I hadn’t, I suddenly became afraid for the first time of looking my age. I created Sassybax for women like me who need a little help keeping their figure looking younger and more fit.”
Amanda thought that if control-top pantyhose could tame and slim a woman’s bottom half, a control-top bra should be able to do the same thing for the upper half. She created a crude prototype, specified exact design and function criteria, and together with a textile company manufactured Sassybax’s flagship seamless bra.
The dual role of designer and president of Sassybax is Amanda’s third career, following a decade of television acting and then seven years as a psychotherapist. Now in her mid-forties, Amanda derives great satisfaction from her new line of work and innovation. She is amused by the old quote from the patent commissioner, but prefers one attributed to Thomas Edison when it comes to designing for Sassybax: “Anything that won’t sell, I don’t want to invent. Its sale is proof of utility, and utility is success.” With a few of its bright ideas already on the market, Sassybax vows to create only useful, solution-based apparel that women with real bodies can enjoy.