Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

The Confident Bride

By Aimee Guthinger

Having worked one on one fitting undergarments and lingerie with women for nearly a decade, I honestly feel like I have heard it all.  Regardless of nationality, age, body type or size, one steady concept always seems to underline all else feminine self esteem.  Your body language, the comfort you feel within your own skin and the confidence communicated through both can be your sexiest assets no matter the size in your top drawer.  In fact, I believe you can have the most socially acceptable appearance possible, a figure seemingly tailor made for the most beautiful lingerie, but if you lack the confidence to wear it well, your overall sex appeal will always be lacking.

Recently we have heard a growing number of requests for plus size bridal lingerie in my boutique.  And to be specific, I am referring to women’s sizes in pretty chemises, nightgowns, peignoir sets and more.  In response I began doing some considerable research to factor into our own immediate and future buying. To be frank, this is an area where this industry could really use some work! Yes, plus size sleepwear exists from many fantastic lines, but I’d like to begin by applauding designers like Kenan/NK/I.mode, Softies by Paddi Murphy, Parfait by Affinitas and Elomi for offering extended sizes in both basic and fashion styles appropriate for bridal and special occasion wear.  These brands have clearly made the needs of all women a priority in the styles they offer while maintaining price points as well as the beauty of their designs.

Parfait by Affinitas


While we were not able to secure many extended size images, please note that all designs featured in this bridal blog are available in extended sizes.  It’s also a pleasure to note that the size chart Softies by Paddi Murphy works by has made their standard XL equivalent to an 18-20.  I recently found myself talking to a woman during a salon appointment who told me that she wears a size 20. She told me that she was a wife and a mother and had recently taken up belly dancing.  I felt so moved by her candid discussion with me about her body awareness and the strength she communicated about being so comfortable in her skin.  She also told me stories that seem to be more and more (and disappointingly so) common about friends who had gone to Victoria’s Secret and been told at the store threshold by a size 4 sales girl that there was nothing inside for them.  While I should thank the chain stores because this experience drives business to my shop, I walked away from this chat feeling an even stronger obligation to help women in this 16+ size range find better choices to shop and more variety to choose from when selecting their intimates. This is a topic we will continue to explore and I welcome your questions and feedback.

NK Brands

Softies by Paddy Murphy

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