Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Intimate Apparel Shops ~ Alert!

Since we created the Lingerie Briefs platform, it has been my sole objective to perpetuate intelligent artistic vision within the intimate world of the feminine psyche.  Having devoted my career to the discovery of product that achieves this mission, I hope that that our insights into the brands that share our goal continue to inspire all of my readers.

Because we are so pleased with the response that we have had, and because we are always evolving, we will initiate a new section on the site next week: The Retailer Gallery.  It will highlight the special stores that live in our Intimate world and work every day to stem the tide of the big box mentality that I believe has invaded our culture. In the same way that our Partner Spotlight focuses on brands that reflect our perception of excellence, we would like to give our  retail boutiques, both brick and mortar as well as on-line,  an opportunity to present their individual stories for FREE.

All you need to do is provide great photos of your shop/site and a short paragraph about your store profile/philosophy.  Each week, we will feature one retailer’s story, photos and links in our new Retailer Gallery.  And we will follow up on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.  We can’t promise your shop will be chosen, but we would love to feature those of you who work so hard to maintain the entrepreneurial spirit to which we at Lingerie Briefs work so hard to support.

Coming soon – our first Intimate Apparel Shop feature on:  

Share your lingerie shop’s story & photos HERE
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