Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Grand Statements ~ Parfait

parfait-charlotteJust before I left Cabo to return to NY, I decided to paint an anchor wall in my house a vibrant desert color. As I watched this bare surface change from white to an orange-red, I began to have apoplexy.  I had wanted to make a statement but this was more like a proclamation and I was undone.  Ok, it’s easy to re-paint a wall, but I had 24 hours before I departed and so there was no time for instant recovery.  Now, as pictures are sent back to me with other accoutrements added to the room, I realize that I was right. Transformation sometimes takes time to appreciate.  It’s actually very provocative.

The minute I saw this version of Parfait’s #1 selling Charlotte lingerie set I was reminded of the visual revolution in my living room in Mexico.  I remember when Affinitas launched theParfait collection for curvy girls with a limited assortment of bras and panties in larger cup sizes.  Priced at great value they were addressing an important link in the market, but it’s the way that they have stepped out recently that has caught my eye.  Expanding their reach with sassy colors and sexy design in a large breath of sizes, Parfait has found its niche.  The Charlotte bra available in 28-40 and D-K cups seen here with the matching hi-waist brief, S-XXL, has managed to attract positive attention throughout the blogosphere.  My focus is to identify brands worthy of acknowledgement; so although I do not write reviews, I certainly know when a style is worthy of exposure.  Sometimes you have to step out to step up.

“If You Change The Way You Look At Things, The Things You Look At Change” ~ Wayne Dyer


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