Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Feminine Fortitude ~ Why Fit Matters

I have been thinking a great deal lately about transitions.  I am forever amazed that the definition of feminine mystique changes so radically during the course of a woman’s life.  I see now, so clearly, what I was incapable of imagining when I was younger.  The necessity of building self-esteem and confidence in the female psyche trumps all in the pursuit of success.   We need to teach women how feeling good about oneself is the biggest step towards happiness.  It is a mega challenge in our society that worships star power before self-worth.  One of the reasons I am so intrigued by the importance of lingerie in a woman’s life, is not about its sexual ramifications, but more about how a beautiful piece of intimate apparel can deliver to a woman an entirely new perspective of personal beauty.

I often ask women why they would spend so much money on so many pairs of shoes, some of which are actually painful to wear.  The obsession is often tied to a need to showcase one’s self image .  In that respect, I have often wondered why every woman who purchases underwear does not spend the time and money on a great fitting bra.  How a bra feels and how it supports the upper torso makes so much difference to the comfort and the appearance of the apparel on which she invests so much energy.  My own affinity towards foundations companies that do the hard work to engineer bras with that vision is why I employ so much time searching the market for technical quality particularly in the bra category.  My lingerie heroes are the brands that respect the philosophy that proper fit is life changing for a woman who actually has the privilege of being fit by an expert.  Companies that allocate resources to fit training are providing a much sought after intelligence to retailers who care about very personal service.  These sources are always available with their  expertise in the fitting rooms as well as in the showrooms. Each, however, works their magic with their own brands fit logistics in mind.

Intimacy Mother’s Day Bra Fitting Event

But for so many retailers, start-ups in particular, as well as shops remotely located, the ability to learn these lessons from a macro point of view is difficult to achieve.  Time is often of the essence and these new entrepreneurs need easy access in a confined period to learn the ins and outs of bra fitting without necessarily devoting selling time to the venture.  That is why I find the premise behind the FabFit™ Academy so interesting.  In 6 easy videos, without leaving the office, bra fit training becomes a reality. With these very simple basics, a sales person transitions from a cashier to a fit connoisseur  and in the process establishes an intimate bond with the customer.  As business develops, the fine details provided by other industry experts can be easily assimilated into a boutique’s bra library.  Fundamentals are the foundation of any well-run business, but for the lingerie industry, in which the naked body is the core critic, fit matters most.

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