Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Understated Perfection ~ Zimmerli of Switzerland

Zimmerli of Switzerland underwear on Lingerie Briefs

It has been an interesting week in the cultural cauldron of American Celebrity worship.  Kim Kardashian and Kanye West were married in a $12 million (so it is told) wedding extravaganza that certainly met the expectations of the fan base that feeds their fantasy machine.  Here in the USA where freedom of press allows for the potential of so many meaningful stories, is this the best we can do?  I am not averse to star power.  It feeds the imagination and provides escape for many searching for a mental break.  And when it is used for good cause, I admire it more. There is a lot to say about the good things that money can buy.  But, in my opinion, quality should guide the message.

I am sure that the lavish fanfare of the Kardashian West affair included many elegant and luxurious products, but I was raised to believe that real luxury is not about indulgence but rather the possibility of perfection and the understanding of how rare it is. It is the character of a product that defines its worth.  That is why I believe that Zimmerli of Switzerland deserves recognition for its exquisitely crafted underwear.  Look closely at the workmanship that makes this niche brand stand at the top of the lingerie pyramid. Using the finest natural fabrics, French Calais laces and Swiss embroidery, each piece is evidence of a detailed focus on achieving excellence.  I am reminded of the integrity of a Swiss made watch or the taste of Swiss Chocolate; quiet luxuries designed for posterity. In the Intimate world, Zimmerli is a genuine star.

“Some People Think Luxury Is The Opposite Of Poverty. It Is Not.
It is The Opposite of Vulgarity” ~ Coco Chanel


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