Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Simply Perfect ~ Antigel by Lise Charmel


Being a veteran New Yorker, I have the privilege of expansive exposure to great restaurants, some with very distinct character worthy of note. But to be honest, I am not a foodie, dislike dressing up and find that unless the guests are truly interesting, the whole process feels like a task.  When I was invited to attend my cousin’s 50th surprise anniversary party held last Sunday at The River Café in Brooklyn, NY, I accepted for familial reasons. Otherwise, frankly I was indifferent, expecting the same old party routine. So when I arrived at this gorgeous venue on a perfect summer day, I was more than surprised.  A 180° view of the east river stoked on either side by the Statue of Liberty and the legendary Brooklyn Bridge certainly enhanced the scenery. Exquisite table settings anchored by luscious centerpieces and the extraordinary garden atmosphere added to the magic.  The food was a tribute to culinary grace and the company was fascinating. There was not much more one could have added to this class act. The afternoon was simply perfect.

Enamored as I am with Antigel’s Simply Perfect Loungewear collection, it enabled an easy analogy to this impeccable gathering.  A multifaceted assortment of sleep to street styles, these pieces fit my personal formula for the expanding category of Easy Wear in the Lingerie repertoire. Designed with a very feminine sway, they are an ideal balance of modern practicality and sensual fashion. Pictured here: the modal knit lace tipped nightdress as well as  the leggings and camisole wrapped in a velvety polar fleece jacket. All are available in 6 colors for sizes S-XXXL,  I don’t think you could find a finer loungewear quotient.  They are Simply Perfect!

“Perfection Is Achieved, Not When There Is Nothing More To Add,
But When There Is Nothing Left To Take Away”
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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