Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Color Me Glad ~ Fleur’t With Me

One of the real pleasures I always have when I come home to Cabo San Lucas is my garden. Planting it a year ago was a labor of love. In this small space in which most of my neighbors have placed a small pool and patio surface, I opted for an explosion of flowers, particularly a mélange of bougainvillea whose lush hues surround all the backyard walls. I can lie in bed and see them from every angle, hot colors under ocean blue skies. Too bad that the hurricane sheared every bud from every bush and severed every palm tree. Lucky for me that the roots are intact and time will replenish the view.  Every day, I search for a hint of color edging through the dark green shrubs. It’s an exercise in hope.

In the meantime, I am getting my fix with the Fleur’t With Me Lacy Dainties available in a plethora of shades such as magenta, deep-ultra marine, ocean and more. It’s very satisfying to see this built up half camisole and matching cheeky panty rounding its third successful season in this essentials collection from the younger sister of the venerable Fleur’t brand. Available in S-XL, this set is priced to accommodate a budding pocketbook.  In full bloom or peeking through a more subdued layer of ready-to-wear, this lingerie promises to deliver a palette of fun and pleasure

 “You Can Cut All The Flowers But You Cannot Keep Spring From Coming” ~Pablo Neruda
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