Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Small But Mighty ~ Lula Lu Petite Lingerie

Today there are 3 cruise ships anchored in the harbor. I can see them from my hillside deck, miniature behemoths besieging the seascape.  Close up and beachside, the scope of even one of these multi-deck ships belies the imagination. They used to bother me, invading the romance of the Cabo shoreline and distorting the aquatic view.  But now I understand how important they are to the economic infrastructure of this Mexican town.  The throngs of passengers descending the pier buying trinkets peddled dockside provide critical income to the people here.  Yet, given a choice, I prefer the cultural input of the seaworthy panga, the fishing boat that reflects the maritime lifestyle of the Baha Sur promising an affinity with the sea not possible in a floating hotel. Small in stature, the panga is a surprisingly sound, lightweight and in my opinion, simpatico with the allure of the Mexican mystique.  Plus, its size never betrays its purpose; to serve its master with comfort and ease.

The contrast I see between the giant ships maneuvering for space in the bay to the tiny pangas skirting their bows as they head for the open sea is striking. It reminds me of how so much attention has been directed lately to the curvy/plus business while another woman’s lingerie needs have been overlooked.  Searching for an alternative fit, the petite customer has finally been addressed by Lula Lu, a niche brand serving 32-38, A-AAA cups. Understanding the essence of this woman’s desire to feel as body worthy under her clothes as her buxom peers, Lula Lu has built a collection of basic bras that provide the petite lady with lingerie engineered for coverage, comfort and style.  These simple essentials: wireless, strapless racer backs and more are gaining momentum daily proving that the small busted consumer is bigger than you might think.

“Everybody Pulls For David, Nobody Roots For Goliath” ~Wilt Chamberlain


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