Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Live From Paris ~ Color Shock

Colorful, customized, fancy globe lights by la case de cousin paul - Paris, FranceEllen checks out colorful, customized, fancy globe lights by la case de cousin paul – Paris, France

Maybe it was serendipity when I bumped in to Kay LeGrange, SVP of Sales for Hanky Panky on the plane to Paris last night. One discussion led to another and we ended up spending the day together shopping the stores while brainstorming merchandising inspiration.

As usual in January in Paris, everything was on sale and it took some rather facile digging to decipher any coherent story in the lingerie departments, but I did see one or two emerging ideas: blue and orange tones everywhere with a dollop of pink just for the fun of it. Translation, color matters in intimates and swim this season at retail. I would share the coral infusion but my camera insists on distorting the color and so its difficult to expose reality here.

One story that really lifted our jet lagged spirits though, was the vibrant rainbow that commanded the home furnishing floors, particularly at BHV, not the tourist mecca mantle that Galeries Lafayette claims as their purview, but a classy department store where the French actually shop.

Since inspiration comes from many venues, I still think this matters. Maybe it was running around with a keynote player from color maven Hanky Panky, but spring looks bright on the home front. I am guessing as Intimates begins to deliver, the same tale will be told.

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