Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Smile! ~ Munki Munki Pajamas

image1Here I am, a woman of a certain age, raising my 2 year old grandson. This is a sure fire way to be knocked off the pedestal of complacency. Curiosity, particularly in a toddler, knows no boundaries, so, it’s nice to see that some things endure the test of time. For example, Jude, my grandson, is currently obsessed with Curious George whose antics closely resemble his everyday behavior. This loveable little monkey has been playing havoc with children’s imaginations since 1941 proving that sometimes the simplest stories are the most durable.

Cute animal antics always attract attention (witness this phenomenon on youtube) and so it is no wonder that Munki Munki pajamas continues to re-invent their highly successful Sock Monkey print. A long time staple of their woven and knit sleepwear collection, this current rendition is my newest brand favorite, probably because I have kiddy eye candy on my brain. Available in XS-XXL, these “flannel” pjs are constructed in a unique rayon/ cotton blend that is as soft as a baby’s skin. Designed with a touch of whimsy these cozy pajamas continue to charm the young at heart. They make me smile, maybe not quite as much as a certain little boy, but close enough.

“Men Do Not Quit Playing Because They Grow Old; They Grow Old Because They Quit Playing”
~Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.



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