Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

“Funderwear” ~ Bia Boro Underwear


On my way to Cabo via California next week, I am looking forward to the sun, water and laid back vibe of the Southern Baha culture. Most of all, it’s the heat and light that transforms color, changing basic everyday commodities from the understated to the dynamic. Perhaps that metaphor is why I am drawn to the just discovered Bia Boro Underwear collection. I was surprised when this 5 year young company informed me of their Canadian roots. The prints are so vibrant, I was sure they hailed from a Latin inspired mecca. The plethora of artful patterns developed for the spring 2015 Art Nouveau collection could be collectibles. Hand cut and handmade they are a nod to the bohemian tradition of creative craft.  Available in sizes XS-XL, and engineered in a luxurious bamboo fabric, these panties are constructed to move effortlessly from under to over-garments. Meant for function and fashion, they are finding a following from the sheets to the beach. And the top note: they are just fun to wear.

 “My Style Is Boho Chic. . .
The Patterns, The Prints, The People, The Music , The Vibe” ~Vanessa Hudgens


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