Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

I Do It My Way ~ Hooked Up Shapewear

From the time I was a very young girl, I disliked the feeling of anything body confining. Born in the early 50’s my mother thought girdles were a rite of passage. I cleared that notion up quickly. As a young woman, pantyhose were an annoyance, the waistbands biting into my much smaller middle at the time. Thus, my proclivity for pants. I have never been a fan of shapewear; the thought of feeling constricted far outweighing vanity.  As you might imagine, I have received many samples of shaping products over time and have tried one or two. But in general, I depend on the wisdom of others to keep me informed on this category.

However, there comes a time in one’s life where a little control is probably in order. And so, recently, for a sundress requiring a modicum of smoothing support, I acquiesced to the one shaping garment that I do own: Hooked Up Shapewear’s Hi-Waisted Shaping Mid-thigh Panty. I already knew it worked having worn it on those rare special occasions (like my son’s wedding) where duty called. But I never knew it was good to go for a 12 hour day until I challenged its virtues during the 3 days I was at Curve.

I discovered this brand several years ago at its inception and was enthralled by this patent pending product for its unique method of hooking the top of the shapewear to the back of a woman’s bra straps. Certainly feedback from size S-3X has given it very high marks. So, I am sure that the fact that I never use the hooks will ruffle a few brand feathers. But I believe this only adds to its design merits. This style stays up under my bra without the hooks, never rolls down, is easy to take on and off, is flexible but containing and actually feels good to wear. As far as I am concerned, I am Hooked Up. I have found my personal favorite shaping solution.

“Everybody Has A Different Way Of Telling A Story and Different Stories To Tell”
~Keith Richards
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