Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Lingerie Retailers ~ Own Your Power


Own Your Power

“Own Your Power” — that was the title of the conference I attended last week in Washington DC.

The line-up of speakers was tremendous – from Congresswomen and Commissioners to CEOs and leaders in both the public and private sectors. All of them women.

While the panels covered a wide range of industries and topics, the message was remarkably consistent.

Be clear about what you love to do, and do it.

In business, most of the time we focus on the second half of the statement – the doing. We choose inventory, hire employees, create marketing campaigns and merchandise. The grind of doing is a hungry beast that chews away our time without allowing a lot of room for stepping back and thinking, let along taking the time to strategize.

And yet…

The clearer you are about your business, the easier it is to grow and flourish.

Women need lingerie, sure. But why do they need it from YOU? What makes your business the place they will flock to? After you make the first sale to a new customer, how can you get them to come back for more? Finally, how do you reach the pinnacle…turning customers into such huge, loyal, raving fans of your business that they come to you for what they WANT, not just what they need?

In other words, how do you create that all-important connection with your customers?

The answer is simple, but not easy.

It all comes back to clarity. The better you define your business, the easier everything becomes.

Imagine the difference between buying for:

“a lingerie store” vs.

“a lingerie store that specializes in luxury European lingerie for the D-G woman” vs.

“a lingerie store that specializes in luxury European lingerie for the fashion-savvy, fit-forward D-G woman.”

With each statement, you get a clearer view of exactly which brands you’d consider. Now, imagine your customer. Sure, there may be more folks who can buy at “a lingerie store” but imagine how much more clearly customers who buy in “a lingerie store that specializes in luxury European lingerie for the fashion-savvy, fit-forward D-G woman” will feel at home. It’s much easier to see how you’d convert those women into loyal, raving fans who buy again and again.

And when women find that place, they do “own their power.” Part of empowerment comes from a foundation of how a woman feels about herself.

When your business helps women own their power, you become part of her foundation – and that’s good for your customers and good for business.

Do you have a clear view of the exact promise your business provides? Get more steps to clarity by downloading the free eBook White Hot Loyalty by going to


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