Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Passionata Lingerie Blossoms

There is a bird in my garden that has commandeered the tree top directly adjacent to my porch. He’s a vibrant orange-red Northern Cardinal who never stops chirping. He is absolutely gorgeous and very social, despite his noisy serenade and his obvious territoriality. His very persona begs attention: stunning, frisky, vivacious and congenial. He flies continuously into our glass porch doors, maybe in awe of his image or possibly mistaking his reflection for a perfect mate. Either way, he has made his presence known, becoming an entertaining conversation piece in our daily life.  I have nicknamed him Donald.

From my perspective, banging one’s head into a glass wall to get attention is an awful waste of personal resources. He should take his cue from Passionata Lingerie. Without much ado, this sassy and dynamic brand entered the market under the radar gathering fun-loving, young fans as it developed its core business. The recently launched Blossom Collection stands out on its own for its unique charm and sexy designs. This ¾ bustier is a competitor to the bralette category for girls needing a bit more support. Sized from 30-38, B-F cups, it makes a passionate fashion statement in a young woman’s wardrobe, simply by wearing it. No need for dramatics.

“Stay Under The Radar And You’ll Outlast All Those Who Strive To Be Recognized”
~Tao Te Ching


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