Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Silent Arrow Maternity Gives Motherhood An Alternative Look


I’m not a mom, but I’ve quickly learned that motherhood is everywhere in your early 30’s. I’ve already seen scores of friends approach it differently: while some triple down on the ballet lessons, others put in baby shower requests for non-gendered clothing. I even know someone who didn’t tell anyone except her family that she was pregnant until she had the baby — we were all pretty surprised when pictures of her adorable newborn popped up on Facebook last week casually! Motherhood seems to be a continuation of who my friends were before they were mothers. Some were goths, some loved vintage styles and some just bought whatever was basic and easy without thinking much about it. So to me, it was both a no-brainer and a breath of fresh air when I ran across the Warrior Mama Maternity Bra by Silent Arrow.

Silent Arrow is an Australian brand that has taken a street style approach to lingerie. If you’ve seen one piece from them, it’s probably their wildly popular (and notoriously fun) F.U. mesh pieces that layer swear words over sheer mesh for a graphic effect. They’re not the brand that naturally pairs with glossy pastel images of motherhood, but Silent Arrow is fine with that.

The Warrior Mama bra is pure silent arrow, from the high fashion strappy approach to the strategic cutouts. What has been added is smart technology and flexible sizing to make a bra that lets new mothers keep their signature aesthetic without sacrificing usability. The hybrid bra/crop top is designed with a thin foam cup for comfort and extra absorbency, while specifically designed magnets make breastfeeding easy. It also makes the nursing clips invisible, which means the bra doesn’t read as a maternity bra. The bra itself reads as a fashion piece, so moms can feel fierce and comfortable at the same time.

Silent Arrow’s hard work has paid off: this bra is currently sold out on their site and is starting to pop up at other boutiques around the world. I hope this heralds a whole new collection of maternity bras to come! I love that women have so many ways to express themselves and their sense of style at all stages of life. After all, the women I know aren’t letting a baby steal their style.


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