What is dark orchid? Mysterious, imposing, powerful and commanding respect; no wonder dark orchid is Montelle Intimate’s fashion color choice for their entire Holiday Essentials collection. This hypnotic color is now available for Montelle’s Pure, Pure Plus, Flirt, Divine, Wire Free and Allure as well as their signature best-selling chemise. This royal shade will fit all from sizes A-H, 30–42, S-XXL.
Montelle Divine full coverage underwire bra and Flirt Demi Lace Bra in dark orchid.
Allure Light Push Up Bra and Bust Support Chemise in dark orchid.
Pure Plus Full Coverage Bra and Wire Free T-Shirt Bra in dark orchid. Many panty styles also in dark orchid: Hipster, Brazilian, Thong, Brief and Smoothing Brief.![]()
Jazz up your holiday lingerie with Montelle’s collections in magical dark orchid!