Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Curve Connect ~ A New Digital Lingerie Trade Event Launches


There is nothing quite like the live interplay between people and product. For a merchant, discovery is energizing: a promise of profit and inspiration. But Covid19 has interrupted all of this, forced us to reexamine priorities and to envision new paths to success. How serendipitous, that Curvexpo was already researching a brand-new approach to their physical trade show when the pandemic hit and abruptly shut down our world. It has enabled them to launch a digital trade show, Curve Connect, that will be live from September 13th-25th.  What is interesting about this new on-line platform (open now for registration on the Curve website) is that it enables every aspect generally available at a Javits show, only virtually.

Community, Communication, Connection, Cooperation and Change: These are the 5 tenets that have always steered the Curve New York Show. That won’t change. The new platform will enable appointment scheduling between brands and buyers, virtual showrooms, a selective chat room experience, and a robust series of webinars and conferences streamed directly from the website. My favorite take-away as I cruised the beta site last week is the level of integration available and how efficiently the site identifies individual needs. In fact, I felt as if I was traveling through an amalgamation of Facebook and Tinder re-tooled for buyers and brands to connect affably and efficiently.

How is all this possible? AI technology is the answer. Curve has partnered with Grip, a multi award-winning global leader in AI-powered matchmaking. Grip’s primary goal is to create event success, enabling a higher return on time and investments for all involved.

I am not going to try to explain to you how all this works. I can’t even explain how the 4  clickers on my coffee table function for one television. But I will be attending Curve’s September 2 webinar as they take us through the platform step by step. (The platform is live for buyers beginning September 1.) We are on the cusp of a new world in lingerie networking. Join us!

 “Changes Call for Innovation. . . ” Li Keqiang


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