Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis


This Week’s Intimate Discovery:  Arielle Shapiro wins the prestigious CFDA award for Lingerie

The first time I saw the ARI DEIN line at Journelle in NYC, I had a feeling that a new design star was on the horizon.  Apparently, my intuition was correct, because Arielle Shapiro, the creative force behind this nascent brand was just awarded one of 10 positions in the prestigious Fashion Incubator, a CFDA initiative whose mission is to support the next generation of fashion designers.  Competing with hundreds of applicants, Arielle was one of two lingerie choices for this elite honor.  Beautifully draped styles form this collection, but my favorite is the exquisitely tailored signature silk pajamas that recall an era of classic elegance.   They remind me of the casual sophistication and understated ambition of the iconic Katharine Hepburn.  Arielle’s hard work, perseverance and eye for intimate detail have earned her this recognition, but à la Hepburn, it is the lioness in her that prevails.


“It’s life, isn’t it? You plow ahead and make a hit.”                         Katharine Hepburn





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