Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Bridal Lingerie Q & A

By Aimee Guthinger

Now it’s time for some bridal girl-brief answers! Here’s where we last left off:

“I’d like to buy a wedding chemise for a shower gift, but is this something only meant for the brides’ mother to give?”

This is an important question, however the answer is relatively simple and goes something like this…I have yet to meet a bride who has ever received too many chemises.  She alone will decide what her wedding night lingerie will be and the beauty is that in the end only the bride & the groom will know what she chooses to wear.  Taken one step further, the more options she receives, the longer the honeymoon is likely to last even after the newlywed couple has arrived home and are beginning their lives together.  In short, I see nothing wrong with purchasing the same lingerie gift as the bride’s mother.  Just be sure that it is a thoughtful one that takes the brides personality & features into account.

“This looks a little racy, shouldn’t a lingerie bridal shower gift be more traditional like a peignoir set?”

The answer to this next question is a bit more complicated because it is much more subjective.  The factors you should pay closest attention to when determining this answer for any specific bride and the shower gift that will accompany you to her celebration are first the bride herself and her family.  How well do you know the bride? Are you familiar with her family? Are they a more relaxed group in social settings or do they tend to feel more comfortable with formality?

Next, take a look at the shower invitation itself & try to determine if there is a theme being communicated. Is the shower celebration a cocktail party or afternoon brunch/tea? Is it taking place in a home or out at a restaurant? Is there a gift registry suggested? Even if you wish to gift something more unique than simply following the registry, you may be able to get a good idea of the formality expected with a quick perusal of the bride’s wish list.  Finally, consider your own comfort level.  If you shy easily, then it is advisable to gift “safer” more traditional lingerie selections.  For obvious reasons, I recommend visiting a smaller independent shop or department store known for their customer skills in your area for specific guidance.  And of course, please always feel free to write in & ask me!

Again, stay tuned for more bridal lingerie Q&A!

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