Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Who Is The Jane Woolrich Bride?


Who is the Jane Woolrich bride? At first glance these exquisite lingerie pieces, all handcrafted in Jane’s atelier in the English countryside, might make you think of the traditional wedding trousseau. And, without a doubt they could easily be one of those special items packed away in a steamer trunk, about to make the honeymoon trip across the Atlantic at the turn of the century. But, look closer. In fact, they are much more. Designed with a artisans attention to detail and a great deal of whimsy, they are perfect for any bridal boudoir: exotic, playful or classic. But no matter the bride’s inclinations, they are luxurious expressions of Jane Woolrich’s elegant style. Using only the finest European fabrics and laces, they are even often worn for other occasions, including weddings. If a marriage is an investment in the future, Jane’s bridal intimates are an investment in excellence.


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