Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

When A Hero Comes Along ~ Elizabeth Maria Walsh


Several months ago I was introduced to an extraordinary young woman. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to meet her in person. Elizabeth Maria Walsh passed away August 28, 2014 at the age of 26. Diagnosed with stage IV adrenal cortical cancer at the age of 24 with a prognosis of 6 months to live, Elizabeth defied the experts to live a life, more robust in the short 2 and ½ years that she managed to fight the odds, than many women accomplish in a normal lifespan. I decided to highlight her charity after I learned of her fate at Curve from her parents, Steven and Fatima Walsh, co-owners of b*up Sleepwear. I became passionate about this story because so much emphasis is given to breast cancer in the lingerie industry, and so little to the other afflictions that impact a woman’s life decisions. Elizabeth was a professional dancer; a discipline often related to the world of lingerie because of its grace, beauty, and the strength it commands. It is the very art of femininity. Because Elizabeth’s story is a reflection of all the attributes of a true heroine, I believe her legacy is symbiotic with our mission at Lingerie Briefs.


Elizabeth’s dance career was beginning an upward arch when she learned of her destiny. Her journey through the drudgery of cancer therapy put a hold on her quest.  But her decision to fight through the pain by creating the non-profit organization, Dancers with Cancer, is indicative of who she was. Dedicated to helping Nicaraguan (her mother’s native country) children who are afflicted with cancer but do not have the access to first rate hospitals for which she was always thankful, Elizabeth began the bELIeve in Children campaign. In order to carry out her wish to insure support for these kids, who lack economic means to secure care, the Walshes have created several styles to help raise money for the cause. Designed in the buttery soft pima cotton for which b*up Sleepwear is recognized, these designs are a commitment to empowerment.  Elizabeth chose compassion and action, even when no one would have denied her right to self-pity.  She may not have made it to the stage she envisioned, but she has become a star in her own right.

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” ~Grover Dale


This week’s She Buzz column by Ali Cudby reflects more on the nurturing instincts of women worldwide, even when difficulty challenges their own lives. …READ MORE

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