Empreinte turned to Julie Gautier, the renowned filmmaker, to make this unique, emotionally-charged film. The film, with its combination of water, dance, reverie and lightness, creates an extraordinary, dreamlike world into which no brand of lingerie has ever entered before. Julie Gautier, who was moved by Empreinte’s sincerity and values, could give her creativity and intuition free rein. Three extraordinary women, who reflect the brand and have unusual backgrounds, contributed to the success of this unique film. Empreinte, supported in this year-long project by the Leo Burnett agency from the Publicis Group, took centre stage to spread their beautiful message with tenderness and feeling. This film is the story of wonderful, genuine and compassionate human connections, reflecting the values of Empreinte. Internationally supported by a digital media campaign, the film seeks to strengthen the reputation of this beautiful French corsetry brand.
Free to be ourselves
When we free ourselves from the unforgiving gaze,
When we meet our own reflexion with love,
When we see the beauty of our bodies,
When we revel in the touch of silk on our skin,
When we feel the flush of pride,
When we rise above expectations,
And leave gravity behind,
We find our light.