Lingerie Briefs ~ by Ellen Lewis

Curve Alert Two ~ Pluto On The Moon

"Lost Souls Of The Pacific" Spring 2013

My older sister and I were not particularly close when we were young, or so I thought.  After all, she was impeccably groomed and hysterically neat (my description).  She slept in a perfectly made bed; head full of rollers, hands detailed in never chipped red lacquer laid carefully atop the bodice of her crisp white nightgown.  I, on the other hand, could be found casually draped across a crumpled comforter, waist length hair haphazardly caught in a ponytail on top of my head, probably still wearing my gym shorts (don’t ask, it was the 60’s) with the dog nuzzled somewhere under the covers.  But as time has moved on, it has become very obvious that despite our clearly different personalities, we nurture the same values and are compatible in character.  We are family with well-established roots and now we are friends of the best kind.

The minute I saw the classic Pluto brand’s newly launched loungewear line, Pluto on the Moon, at Curve last February, I knew I had discovered a product relationship comparable to my own familial story.  Clearly different in every aspect of visual design, this casual intimate’s collection has a distinctly separate profile from its elegant older sister.  With a slightly offbeat style it still sustains the company’s genteel signature using cozy soft fabrics exquisitely tailored with just the right amount of interesting detail.  It’s not easy for a company to sustain its established identity while developing a brand clearly targeted at another consumer profile.  This one succeeds.



READ THE DESIGN LAB:  “The Designer Showcase~Nevaeh Intimates” by Luis Paredes

READ INTIMATE AFFAIRS: “Intimate Insider News” by Moira Nelson

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