Celebrating Your Body

by Margaret Shrum

I invite you to take some time to yourself, make a cup of tea or have a glass of wine and write an “Ode to your body”.  It can be about one specific body part, like your thighs, tummy, your wrists, whatever you desire. Or you can write an ode to your entire body. I found it incredibly liberating and healing to slow down and celebrate myself as I wrote my ode below. Enjoy reading and writing your own ode!

An Ode to My Beautiful Body

Silky black hair,
I love how you frame
My face
As my big red lips
Smile, white teeth gleaming
Laughing at how much time
I’ve spent walking
On these strong legs
And sturdy feet
Over the last four decades.
My heart beats strong and steady
As I run through the city streets
Or on the white sandy beaches
I focus on my breath
And before I know it
I am in that zone
Where thoughts flow
And expand and I feel slightly
Buzzed and euphoric
As the sweat flows out of my body
And cleanses and cools me down.
I am in grand appreciation
Of my beautiful body!
Gorgeous smooth skin,
Ivory in the winter,
Bronze in the summer
From all the time spent
Outdoors, playing in the ocean
Or along the edge of the city
Drinking iced coffees,
Eating a delicious brunch.
I can eat anything I desire,
My body is healthy, strong and
I am in awe of my curves,
How they distract and attract
And inspire lovers
To engage in romantic gestures
Which make me giggle.
How amazing it is to smell
The scent of gardenias,
To see the glorious colors
Of the sunset,
To feel the sensation of cashmere
Against my skin
The taste of milk chocolate
The sound of the violin and piano.
What pleasures derive from this body
Of mine!
And to think that fifteen years ago
My gorgeous little daughter
Grew inside of me and came out
In perfect and elegant timing
And taught me how to feed her
And function on very few hours of sleep
As I carried and followed her every move
Nurturing her with love.
I am in awe of this gorgeous body of mine!
It has served me and continues to surprise
Me as I embrace it and love it more every day.


2 Discussion to this post

  1. Angela says:

    Beautiful writing.

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