Featuring ~ PantySalad.com

Submitted by Greg Wishart, owner of PantySalad.com, an on-line panty boutique

Panty Salad got its name from my favorite music station, Groove Salad, a SOMA FM online music station based in San Francisco. I thought the name was perfect because everyone likes panties, everyone likes salad, and I have so many brands and styles that they kinda look like a salad of panties when on my desk and lined up ready for photography 🙂

I started buying and selling in 2000 and 2001 on eBay. I remember going to bargain stores and buying 15 or 20 (sometimes hundreds of dollars) of panties that I thought were nice. I didn’t care about the prices. I used to sell them in bulk in those days (50 smalls for $99, 50 mediums for $99, etc.).   EBay used to allow animated GIFs back then (they no longer do). They were all different, so just for fun; I laid them out on the grass on a sunny day end-to-end and made a video to show. I converted that 30-second video into an animated GIF and got a great response from buyers about how crazy yet effective my little video was. I could be the reason eBay stopped supporting animated GIFs.

I made a bunch of sales and even made a friend in New Zealand who asked me to find Brazilian-style panties for him.  He and others really gave me an idea of what people were looking for.  Why just panties?  Because I don’t know much about bras other than they’re more expensive and come in more sizes.

4x6Postcard2-bAs a full-time Software Engineer, I had a lot of experience with digital video and graphics, but in this career you need to constantly learn new things. Back then, I needed some web experience so PantySalad is really a combination of 20 years of computer experience and my lingerie affliction.  I found lots of panties for my friend in NZ and would send photos asking “Is this OK?  I remember emailing him 4 pictures of each panty at different angles then realizing that was stupid. I could easily combine the 4 into one animated picture and send that.  He loved the idea, so I bought a mannequin, an eCommerce platform and in 6 months had a crude web site with 8 angles of about 100 panties. My NZ friend said “every site should be like this”.

In about 2008 I attended Lingerie Americas in New York (now called CurveNY) and started ordering wholesale. I was SO grateful to get into the show and finally meet the companies who make what I love… it was like meeting my idol! I remember taking home 60 lbs of catalogs from the trade shows, pouring over them, filling out orders, and being so excited when my order arrived six months later! Of course, I ordered too many of some things and not enough of others, but I’m much smarter now.

I still get some inventory from stores in my area because some panties are just too good not to share with the world, but I go to every trade show I can.  I’ll be going to Mode City in Paris in July and repeating the same process… love it!

If I have any regrets, it would be that I should have started the business much earlier but money and technology and time just wouldn’t allow it.


4 Discussion to this post

  1. Sophia Gentry says:

    I briefly went through your site and found myself absolutely enthralled by the collection of some of the sexiest and feminine looking panties I have seen in a while. As a transgender woman I very much look forward to making you the premier place to buy all my panties!

    • Greg says:

      Yeah, it’s crazy how many styles there are. You’d think that after 40 years that every possible design has been made by now, by NO…. smart and talented people continue to churn out new designs, fabrics, styles, colors, and features.

  2. Greg says:

    Does anyone know what happened to these women? They made great stuff and I wish they would get back in the business again:
    Wendy Glez
    Carol Malony

    • Ellen Lewis says:

      Greg, the are both out of business. Wendy sold her company and has moved on as an accessory designer and Carol has done a similar thing.
      What styles in particular are you searching for? Perhaps I can help guide you

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