Natori Zeros in on Sustainability with its Iconic Feathers Bra

Natori Feathers Contour bra in lemon-lime and 35% sustainable components as featured on Lingerie Briefs

Natori zeros in on sustainability with its iconic Feathers Contour bra. With these new lemon-lime and bluebell colors,  35% of the style is constructed in recycled components.  Evolving this bra while maintaining the extraordinary popularity of its fit and fashion synergy, will continue with on-going deliveries. Feathers bestselling status, often cited as #1 in the USA, makes it the perfect focus for Natori’s initial sustainability spotlight. This is not an easy feat. Bras are complex organisms, replete with multiple moving parts, all required to coordinate in a timely manner. Leave it to Natori, experts in bra and panty construction, to achieve this goal. With eyes on the future, the feathers collection is progressing towards 50% recycled materials by the end of 2023 as more colors join the Feathers eco-friendly journey. Stay tuned.

Natori Feathers Contour bra in bluebell and 35% sustainable components as featured on Lingerie Briefs

See More Natori Collections in Their Spotlight on Lingerie Briefs


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