Introducing Curvy Briefs

by Lindsey Borchard

The question I seem to be getting the most these days is, “Is that really you”?

It all started when we couldn’t find a model to shoot for our newest Claudette Collection, (I work for Claudette Lingerie). When our CEO asked me to model for Claudette, I was nervous and frankly terrified. After thinking about all the things I never did because of my size or the way I felt about myself, I decided to take a chance and go for this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Now when people open Claudette’s latest look book and see me standing there in lingerie, I am mostly surprised by the outpouring of support I get. As a size 14 woman, I am not your typical model. However, I am absolutely amazed with how many people embrace my curves when they see me half-naked in Claudette. It makes me feel beautiful but most importantly empowers me as a woman to own the body I have and try to not make it something that I think “everyone” wants it to be.

I have learned through modeling that my size is really just a number and not what defines me, which is something that I struggled with growing up. I think so many women these days have a hard time looking past that. It took doing something that was way out of my comfort zone to make me a true believer though. And I highly suggest that every woman who isn’t living their true life because of that “number” to step out of the box and try something that challenges them. Wear a bright color you once thought you couldn’t get away with wearing; buy that sexy thong you always wanted to try. Instead of getting the same boring t-shirt bra, wear a bright neon pink one! Starting with little steps will lead to bigger ones. We all need to walk before we run.

And now I am running full speed ahead! Yes, I am curvy. Yes, I work in lingerie. And yes, I model from time to time. But at the end of the day I am just like every other girl. I go home, wash off my make-up, get in comfy clothes and fantasize about the life I want. The only difference is I am actually starting to live it now.

I am exploring and loving my career in the lingerie industry that I once thought was only for women who looked like Victoria Secret models. But now being a part of it, I realize it is something much bigger then that; much bigger than just pretty lingerie. It’s a secret society of people who want to try to help women feel sexy again, in the size they are. And I feel so lucky to consider myself a part of it.


5 Discussion to this post

  1. Robin says:

    So proud of our Lindsey- not only of where you
    Are right now, and also of where your headed!
    Very exciting!!

  2. wendy says:

    you go girl!
    it breaks my heart how hard women are on themselves.
    as a bra fitter, i hear constantly the negativity surrounding their self-image.
    and it is hard to shake them out of their old patterns of behavior and thinking.

  3. Jan says:

    How exciting for you Lindsey! Im happy that you finally see your beauty inside and out. This is your time…so reach for those stars my beautiful baby girl!!! You make me proud…..xox

  4. Bok says:

    Lindsey you’re amazing. Beautiful, beautiful girl!!
    Congratulations xx

  5. Cherrie says:

    This is absolutely fabulous Lindsey!! I can’t wait to read your blogs!!

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