Bra Pioneer ~ Marlies Dekkers

Every once and awhile I like to focus on an artist whose dedication to her vision raises the bar for women.  Defying the status quo is difficult in a commercially charged world, but Marlies Dekkers has proven her metal by standing firm in her desire to express her own personal perception of Intimates.


Doing so, she has pushed the envelope of bra design, introducing the concept of brave exposure to the Lingerie collective.  Pioneering the innerwear/ outerwear approach in fashion when she began her company 20 years ago, her influence has now reached international renown.  The risk has been worth it as recognition of her creative talent has enabled her to diffuse her brand into the Undressed label which is now growing rapidly in North America.  What sets Marlies Dekkers apart is the eclectic and innovative details that define her collections.  Always inspirational, every style is part of a larger story.  This spring she takes us to exotic locales as she penetrates the African continent with every stitch.

“Only Those Who Risk Going Too Far Can Possibly Find Out How Far They Can Go”  ~ T.S. Elliot


READ BRIDAL BRIEFS: “Modern Bride ~ Flora Nikrooz” by Ellen Lewis

READ INTIMATE VISION: “Spicing Things Up ~ La Boite” by Marina Rybak


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