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For those of you who are not yet aware, our Bridal Brief’s column is written primarily by me and we have had a terrific reaction to the stories we have posted there.  So today, we decided to make that message clear  by giving you a highlight here of the Lise Charmel post published today in Bridal Briefs.  It’s no secret that I believe this is a year round opportunity … Read More


Several years ago a friend told me a story about the Lise Charmel bridal bra she gave to her brother’s fiancé to wear beneath her wedding gown.  It was a delicate design embellished with exquisite Leavers lace, a symbol of “something new” and a much appreciated treasure.  But it was several months later, while visiting her sister in law that she happened into her bedroom and found the bra … Read More

Featuring ~ Trashy Diva

TrashyDiva_Logo_Long-smSubmitted by Candice Gwinn, owner of Trashy Diva in New Orleans, Louisiana

My clothing company, Trashy Diva, expanded to include a fully-stocked lingerie shop shortly after Hurricane Katrina. It became clear to me that women wanted to see a bigger selection of beautiful intimates that just wasn’t being found in the French Quarter. I’ve always been a fan of corsetry and carried a large selection of traditional Victorian-inspired, steel … Read More

IMAG3072-bhWalking by The Bryant Park Hotel on 40th street this afternoon, huddled under a sheepskin coat and jealous about my husband departing for Cabo San Lucas Saturday, I was stopped in my tracks by their lobby windows.  A confluence of mirrors reflecting solitary blooms of pink and chartreuse floral bouquets immediately reminded me of the new printed Kelly corset that the legendary house of Cadolle will launch this month.  … Read More

by John Festa

In a very short span of time, I received three unrelated comments on my blog from women convinced bra fitters consistently put them in the wrong size bra. It was such an odd occurance. My first reaction was to think said women were resistant to their true size.

This got me thinking. Who knows more: the people fitting the bust, or the people with the bust? So … Read More

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