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Trade Show Benefits

By Ali Cudby

I occasionally hear retailers ask if they really need to attend the lingerie trade shows, and it always surprises me.  There are so many benefits to being at the shows!  There’s tremendous value in getting out of a store and into the larger world of lingerie.

First, retailers can feel isolated in their stores, even when surrounded by their staff.  It can be lonely at the top, … Read More

By Jacalyn Bennett

For a Healthy Mind & Heart Connection …discovering our Internal Culture… Lessons for our life on Planet Earth!

“To be or not to be”; this is our eternal & internal question.  What makes us truly alive should determine the path we choose to live.  Many people have asked me why I would have chosen to work in such a demanding environment as the garment industry. My response … Read More

By Marina Rybak

The official Valentine’s Day is far behind us, but the sizzling season of “Amor” is just heating up. The heartbeat of the city is pulsating with Flamenco passion.

You do not need to be a native of Spain to appreciate this sensuous, vibrant art form, which has multicultural roots and has sprouted from the sunny Andalusia. And you do not need to be a professional flamenco … Read More

Curating Curve NY

I had every intention of updating you daily from the New York Curve show this week, but unfortunately hotel hysteria intervened with 4 room changes in 4 days. (Don’t ask).  Anyway, better late than never. There was lots of product to see, some interesting trends, new brands percolating and a quintessentially New York energy: focus without fanfare.  To be honest, I don’t spend a lot of time on New York … Read More

Mirror Mirror On The Wall. . .

I Am The Fairest of Them All!

Struggling with body image is something that I’ve always felt I had to battle. It’s a war with my self and the mirror, a war with my clothes, a war with magazines.  In high school, I lost 76 pounds from healthy diet and exercise and never before had I been able to look in the mirror and truly find things that I found … Read More

This blog is slightly late this week, but I have a good excuse: my daughter gave birth to a baby boy on Sunday so I have been a bit preoccupied.  But I still have a great intimate story.  When we left for the hospital last Thursday night, I had no idea that I would not be home for 72 hours.  As you might imagine, I dressed quickly, not really focused … Read More

Modern Bridal Boudoir

By Margaret Shrum

Getting married is one of the most celebrated events in many women’s lives; a rite of passage, honoring each other as husband and wife. Besides picking the perfect gown, selecting the bridesmaid’s dresses, booking the location of the wedding, the caterers, etc., how about the recognition of the bridal boudoir? Sometimes brides get so caught up in all the decision making, that they leave the lingerie and … Read More

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