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by Rhea Cortado

For a personal side project, I’ve been on a cooking bender. Every other day I am in a grocery store, a specialty food depot or one of the local farmer’s markets. Last week I bought a purple cauliflower purely because it was pretty. It tastes the same as a normal cauliflower and I don’t even particularly like cauliflower (if I had the choice of any vegetable to … Read More

This Week’s Intimate Discovery:  A Tried and True Product Roars Into The 21st Century

From the time I was a little girl, I have clear memories of my mother getting dressed in her girdle and stockings.  It was, after all, the proper thing for a woman to wear and she tried vehemently to get me to comply, but alas, to no avail.  I was not into control.  I liked … Read More

by Layla L’Obatti

Some things never get old, and in the world of fashion and lingerie the 20’s-60 are four decades providing a goldmine of style inspiration, and where Hollywood goes fashion follows. There are perhaps deeper psychological reasons to the nostalgic fashion and silver screen references, it’s often said that each generation reflects back upon the decades before it. Perhaps it’s a form of the old adage that “the … Read More

Celebrating Your Body

by Margaret Shrum

I invite you to take some time to yourself, make a cup of tea or have a glass of wine and write an “Ode to your body”.  It can be about one specific body part, like your thighs, tummy, your wrists, whatever you desire. Or you can write an ode to your entire body. I found it incredibly liberating and healing to slow down and celebrate myself … Read More

by Ali Cudby

There’s a tug-of-war in the American bra market.  Women scream for smooth, smooth, smooth when it comes to the design of their bra cups.  But let’s face it – smooth can get boring.  Manufacturers look for new ways to bring aesthetic appeal into the contoured cup bra.  Some add embellishment to the band or straps and leave the cup pristine – Simone Perele’s Andora Molded Bra is … Read More

Courting Beauty ~ Natori

It’s early Sunday morning and I am watching a flock of sixteen wild turkeys grandstanding in my yard.  Eight toms and eight hens are engaged in a ritual dance of some sort:  the boys are strutting their stuff and the girls are prancing around in a  flirting match. Tails are spread wide, plumage erect as a symphony of courting cries announce each male’s presence. The female plays a subtler role, … Read More

Learning to Embrace the Transgender Experience

by Richard Vincente

A year ago, a Toronto family made international headlines for their decision to not reveal the gender of their new baby to anyone outside the immediate family — in effect, raising a ‘genderless’ child.

It wasn’t a publicity stunt or provocation. The parents were highly educated and caring people who simply wanted their child to develop (at least in its early … Read More

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