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Ellen Lewis Lingerie Briefs

Easy ~ Eberjey


I’m back in Cabo again, wedding over and family returned east to in their proper roosts. It’s hotter than when I left in January. The season is inching closer to summer. I was so excited about escaping the horrific Northeast weather that I forgot just how much the temperature informs the culture here. I have mentioned the colors, the flowers, the water, and sand and I am sure there will be more, but right now … Read More


No one does playful quite like Dita Von Teese. She knows how to make a statement.  Since that’s every bride’s mission, perhaps one could learn a thing or two from this lingerie diva.  Recently introduced to the incredible spirit of Dita’s new intimates collection (more about that later), I am positive that wedding joy was very much part of her vision with the winter white version seen here, her best selling Madame X collection.  … Read More

By Ellen Lewis


It’s a down time in the swim business right now, although suits continue to sell.  September and October are a good time for creative contemplation.  What’s more provocative than the illustrations of the vintage pin up artists. Swimwear  has always taken a place front and center in this purview.


By Enoch Boles & Jim Shaeffing


By Pearl Frush


By George Petty & Howard Connolly

Gil Evgren

By Gil Evgren


Arthur Sarnoff & Earl MoranRead More


It wouldn’t be possible to talk about the history of sheer and slinky lingerie without talking about the science, research and development that went into creating the miracle fiber that most certainly played a role in the massive baby boom of the 1950s – nylon!

1 “Good heavens Miss Sakamoto – you’re beautiful!” Wallace Carothers, DuPont scientist and inventor of the nylon polyamide fiber.

Innovation in textile development was bustling during the first … Read More


It’s no secret that I feed on comfort. My entire lifestyle is wrapped around the psychology of casual contentment.  To me, this is the ultimate luxury.  It is probably a compelling reason why I feel so strongly about the emergence of Easy Wear in the Intimate market. In fact, it is a kind of addiction. I have been waiting patiently for the delivery of Addiction Nouvelle Lingerie’s new micro-modal loungewear, a collection of lightweight (130 … Read More

by John Festa

In a very short span of time, I received three unrelated comments on my blog from women convinced bra fitters consistently put them in the wrong size bra. It was such an odd occurance. My first reaction was to think said women were resistant to their true size.

This got me thinking. Who knows more: the people fitting the bust, or the people with the bust? So I decided to ask the … Read More

By Lindsey Borchard


It’s Valentine’s week. I know a lot of people don’t get on board with these “Hallmark” holidays. However now with a new(ish) baby I need these holidays more then ever. Its so easy as new mom’s to put baby first and yourself and your spouse last. I know this all too well. But this year I am putting my priorities in order. Which means my husband and myself come first along with … Read More

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