Pleasurable Motherhood

By Margaret Shrum

In honor of Mother’s Day, this May 13th, let’s celebrate how Motherhood can be an opportunity to take the most exquisite care of our bodies and our lives from pregnancy and throughout all the stages being a parent. For those of you who are mothers and are shaking your head, thinking “if I only had the time…” please consider reading this to the end.

When I was pregnant, I worked full time up until my due date at a high-pressure fashion job that required 12+ hour days and overtime on the weekends. I did not take exquisite care of my pregnant body, mostly because I did not even know what that meant. I was healthy and had a very easy pregnancy, but looking back I wish I had taken it easier, taken more time to enjoy my growing body and nurture myself.

Being a mom goes hand in hand with taking care of our children, our spouses and sometimes our other family members. Mother’s, who have careers, are on double duty and often feel completely overwhelmed and unsatisfied with all the demands. Feeling like there is never enough time is the norm and it eventually catches up with even the most organized super mom’s.

Sometimes it takes a life altering experience for “us mom’s”, to stop and reassess out own self-care. For me, it was surviving 9/11 and escaping from the World Trade Center with my then 3 year old daughter held close to my bosom. After such a terrifying experience, I woke up and committed the past decade to taking the best care of myself, so that I could be the best parent and role model to my daughter. Some of my friends have shared similar stories about surviving cancer, losing their job, getting divorced and several other life changing experiences that pushed them to focus on ultimate self care.

So, how can motherhood be more pleasurable and how can we take better care of ourselves despite the hectic, multi-task schedules we have? Here are some ideas – feel free to incorporate these or be inspired to come up with your own:

1. Plan “Me” time every day, which means scheduling in a 15 minutes to one-hour window of time, spent focusing on things that are just for your own pleasure. This “Me” time means it does not include anyone else in your life. Examples could be listen to your favorite music and dancing in your living room, going to a cafe and ordering yourself whatever you desire on the menu or it could even be as simple as reading a book or watching a little television.

2. Once a week, schedule a “date night” with your significant other. If you are single, schedule a date with someone new or meet up with your girlfriends for a girl’s night out. It is so important for us to nurture our adult relationships and have some grown up fun.

3.  Indulge in monthly beauty and spa treatments. Book a massage, a facial, a body scrub, a new cut & color, manicure- pedicure or anything that sounds relaxing, pampering and totally decadent. If this is out of your budget, then do it yourself at home or together with other mom’s.

4. Sign up for my 30 Day Lingerie Goddess challenge, which are 30 days of pleasurable exercises sent directly to your email box. Pick and choose what to do and end up feeling great as well as creating the most beautiful lingerie wardrobe of your dreams!

“Your pleasure has value and plays a crucial role in your life and the life of your family.”
–Mama Gena


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