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by Nivara Xaykao

As the dust settles on the Fall/Winter 2012 season, my colleagues and I at Stylesight are beginning to decipher the footpath of trends along the runway. In the area of intimates, inspiration materialized in subtle ways, from an intricate body map of seams to a plunging square neckline. Overall, collections were governed by dueling ideas of resplendence and restraint; and perhaps no two labels illustrated these … Read More

by Cristina Casciano-King

The Italian’s make some of the finest Hosiery in the world.  Each brand brings its own unique hint of trends for the coming season.  The newest Italian brand to hit the US is Gaetano Cazzola– a family owned Italian Fashion line, that has it all the glam and sophistication. One of my favorite new looks, the “Tattooed” Legging. A brand that states it is “Radically Altering … Read More

Suit Up For Summer

By Jené Luciani
8 Steps to Finding the Perfect Swimsuit

This time of year, the barrage of bra questions I receive on a daily basis inevitably turns instead to those regarding something that’s just as tough to find the right fit – swimwear.

When it comes to quintessential California-chic fashions, few designers come to my mind more quickly than Trina Turk. Turk’s women’s wear collections – known for impeccable … Read More


It’s 6 PM on Sunday evening and I just finished two marathon days of selling off 40 years of household paraphernalia.  It was quite intense!  We found ourselves in a frenzy, giving things away for far less than their worth and refusing to let go of items at realistic prices because they anchor our memories.  Such was the story of my antique hand drawn map of the British Isles … Read More


This Week’s Intimate Discovery:  An Established Product Solves An Unexpected Problem

NuBra is not exactly a new discovery. However, I had a major revelation about this item which I always thought was an enhancement product designated for the less endowed woman.   In fact, the first time I saw an uber thin model parading around in it, I was sure this concept was designated for a niche customer. But when Shirley, … Read More

Drawing from Becca McCharen’s theoretical background in architecture and urban design, Chromat focuses on structural experiments for the human body.have b Chromat began in 2008 as an extension of McCharen’s degree in architecture design. Her continued interest in scaffolding, city maps, wearable exoskeletons and the intricacies of undergarments have been explored as each new collection develops. The most recent Chromat A/W12 cool world collection was inspired by exaggerated constructions
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