Intrigued by the kitschy British design aesthetic
perpetuated by the fun and flirty UK brand, Playful Promises, I sent my sister, who lives in London, to see their store and report back to me on her findings. Result: she spent a lot of money on lingerie that “she did not need but could not resist”. She said she had “a lot of fun” shopping at Playful Promises and I … Read More
When I am in Paris, if time allots, I try to sneak away to the Musée Rodin, for a moment of artistic reprieve. In fact, in the past, I mandated that my lingerie design team visit this beautiful sculptural enclave for inspiration. I believe that Rodin’s work is the perfect manifestation of the sensual form. One of my favorite pieces, Danaid is carved from a luminescent block of highly … Read More
This Week’s Intimate Discovery: A Woman’s Needs Inspires a Lifestyle Boutique in Canada.
It’s one week before Thanksgiving and reminiscing about holiday preparation all I can think of was the intensity of the selling floor when I was working 12 hour days, 6 days a week as a department manager in the early years of my career. It was all about key item intensification as we set our sites … Read More
When my daughter Kate was 13, I took her to Paris hoping that the opportunity would broaden her sensibilities. I literally had to drag her to the Musée d’Orsay to see the Impressionists. She was much more fixated on the French Patisseries and her new found obsession with chocolate éclairs. Imagine, then, my thrill, as I witnessed the transformation of her perspective as she began to wander through galleries devoted … Read More
This Week’s Intimate Discovery: A classic sleepwear style emigrates to the USA just in time for the holidays
The first lesson I learned when I migrated from the world of retail buying to product development was the importance of basics to the infrastructure of any brand. It was more years ago than I care to mention, that I first identified the classic cotton PJ as a critical driver in … Read More
I understand anticipation. I began writing this blog a few years ago as a hobby. Initially, I had no expectations. I just wanted to write as I am deeply motivated by the aesthetics that make life interesting and I have a passion for lingerie because this product, above all, appeals to the sensitive side of a woman’s nature. Now, with a modicum of pride and some market persuasion, I am … Read More
This Week’s Intimate Discovery: Understated Showroom showcases an innovative new shaping collection
A few weeks ago, one of my favorite Industry
colleagues, Melissa Silvetti, informed me that she had recently relinquished her responsibility as Sr. Buyer for the elegant Journelle Lingerie boutiques to start her own contemporary sales rep business. Aptly named Understated Showroom, Melissa has chosen this venue to continue her search for emerging lingerie design talent … Read More