Retail tides are rising as the
resistance to luxury goods ebbs. Visiting the Cosabella flagship and showroom in Soho, NY a few weeks ago, I discovered an interesting retail tidbit that set off my merchant’s radar. Cosabella has noticed a real sea change in their business: Customers are focusing on product in lieu of price. Only a short time ago, it was all about the cost of an item. Now … Read More
By Libby Dowd
Today more brides opt out of the traditional garter toss. But that does not mean the demand for this dainty underpinning is waning. In fact, the garter selections available to brides are expanding and styles are becoming more decadent and luxurious. La Gartier owner and designer, Sarah Dobson says garters are trending—big time. It’s not the traditional toss that is drawing in customers. “Brides are buying garters … Read More
by Libby Dowd
Any bride-to-be is likely to find herself knee deep in brand new lingerie by the time her honeymoon arrives. In fact, she may end up with more intimate apparel than regular clothes in her suitcase. Since it’s wise to travel with a little extra room in your suitcase, I’ve compiled this list of Honeymoon must-haves:
Something Sweet: Chemises and camisoles are a popular bridal gift item … Read More
by Libby Dowd
If you’ve ever been to a wedding, been in a wedding or flipped to one of the many wedding programs on TV, you’ve heard the phrase, “It’s all about the details.” I was married last spring and as I planned the event, I spent the majority of my time focusing on the details. From the 40 or so vintage glass cake stands my mother and I hunted … Read More