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Turkish lingerie

Turkish Delight Candy on Lingerie Briefs

I wonder if C.S. Lewis knew exactly how much his use of Turkish Delight as a provocative ploy by the evil witch in The Chronicles of Naria would become a symbol of seduction. This delectable candy took on a magical connotation as the evil enchantress used it as bait to induce the impressionable young Edmund to her will (The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe). This ancient dessert, perfumed with … Read More

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I was taking a walk in my neighborhood last week in the late afternoon when I was surprised by a wedding party departing for the church. At first, I was a bit taken aback. Here I was in a southern Mexican location where color is a habitual signature. I would not have expected the bride to be accompanied by 6 bridesmaids dressed in grey and two flower-girls fluffed out in … Read More

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