

One of my first real product development successes was a series of cotton knit sleepshirts which I shamelessly admit were derivatives of both Benetton and Gap T-shirt styles I had mined during an NYC shopping excavation.  At the time the concept was considered revolutionary.  The lingerie market was a sea of pink and blue polyester.  Cotton  jersey knits in bright colors and bold prints were considered heresy.  It was 1985.  … Read More

The bionic woman 24 hours after double hip replacement

I am on the way to visit Shirley, who is my friend and business partner while she convalesces from double hip surgery at her home in New Hampshire.  Shirley is a real trooper and was quite sure she would be back in the saddle 6 minutes after she returned home from the hospital, but I knew better.  She needs some TLC, … Read More

Simply Class ~ DKNY

Working full time and raising three kids was no walk in the park.  To maintain some semblance of serenity and focus, something had to give.  Spending time on the logistics of a wardrobe was not an option.   But I was enmeshed in the fashion world and I needed to appear “pulled together” no matter what other diversions were orbiting my daily life.  My solution was simple; elegant white shirts from … Read More

Impressionism-fashion-bI was finally able to see the acclaimed exhibit, “Impressionism, Fashion and Modernity” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art this week-end.  I made it just under the wire: the show closed on Memorial Day.  It was worth the effort though, because this was a display of paintings from some of history’s most renowned artists highlighted from a very interesting and innovative perspective. Showcased in tandem with these masterpieces were renditions … Read More

Punky-Bruster-BraI was always a curvy girl.  It wasn’t easy growing up that way in my generation.  From the time I was 12 years old, when other girls began buying bras because they wanted to, I was buying bras because I had to.  It was no easy task to find the right fit with enough comfort as well as support.  Either the bra was really an abbreviated undershirt, or it was … Read More

Maybe I am dating myself, but listening to the Beach Boys while suffering on the treadmill today got me in to a summer thinking mode.  After all, Memorial Day is nigh. Bathing suit season looms. That’s another story.  I found the perfect camouflage in the market last week at The Nightwear Network showroom from the hot LA based brand, Cover UP by VP.  Twelve dynamic prints in nine easy … Read More

I am not much of a TV watcher, but once in a while I find myself totally absorbed in a series that manages to capture my imagination.  I usually wait a season or two for positive buzz and then I settle into Netflix, commercial free and non-stop. My most recent obsession is the highly acclaimed “Revenge”.  The story contradicts everything I believe.  It is a testimony to over-indulgence, payback … Read More

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