
When my son Charlie was 10 years old, a friend of his in his 4th grade class was diagnosed with a fatal brain tumor.  I remember how I felt when I was told that July about Elizabeth’s fate.  I was sick to my stomach, immobilized by fear, unable to separate my own maternal instincts from the reality confronting her parents.  When she died the following December, one week before … Read More

Season Of Hope ~ Le Mystère

Ever since I began writing this blog, I have tried, to no avail, to access the DNA of the Le Mystѐre brand.  So many of my readers either wear these bras or sell them in their stores, but for some time now, all I have heard are disappointed grumblings about access and availability of this beloved collection.  However, there is light at the end of the tunnel: Komar Lingerie just … Read More

From the very first Christmas I shared with my husband in 1976 – he wasn’t my husband then – we would invest in a distinctive ornament for our family tree.  It became a ritual and over the years, a quality collection of eclectic shapes and colors formed.   In fact, we got a little carried away with the entire process. Gathering hand painted renderings of Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, … Read More

I am not a print person I never wear them, but I do love charismatic colors, intriguing patterns, texture and most of all art that makes me stop and think.  When I was in my 30’s, Nicole Miller‘s dynamic conversational prints exploded in the marketplace.  It was her ties that first captured my eye; slashes of storied silk that were a man’s passport from boring to bold.  There were … Read More

No one does dramatic romance quite like Leo Tolstoy.  Yesterday I went to see the cinematic version of his literary masterpiece, Anna Karenina, hailed by his peers as a “flawless work of art”.   I read this book when I was 19 and pining for a boyfriend who was always elusive.  Caught up in the moment, I imagined myself the next great American novelist whose emotional theatrics would also stun the … Read More

Brief Alert!

Introducing RETAIL BRIEFS, a brand new column on Lingerie Briefs dedicated to answering all your questions about the world of lingerie retail.

Don’t forget to enter our Holiday Prize Giveaway sponsored by LELO & Lingerie Briefs.  Enter to receive a FREE luxury pleasure object valued from $75 to $200. Click Here!Read More

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