Actually, I had intended to post a different story tonight, but my plans went awry today and instead I am having a glass of chardonnay and focusing on being in the moment. It was one of those days when a 2 hour hiatus for chores turned into a 7 hour ordeal. Besides being a designated chauffeur, I was on grandma duty that evolved from a one hour commitment into 4 … Read More
I grew up a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean and by the time I was 21, I had moved to a seaside community nearby, and had an apartment literally at the water’s edge. We spent a great deal of time on the beach, on the boardwalk and in boats. This presented a challenge for me, a lushly endowed young woman who today would be labeled a Curvy Girl. My … Read More
In nature, there are items so fragile and still yet so strong that they defy logic. The leaf of the Bodhi Tree is a delicate image of the earth’s power to heal. Better known in the Western Hemisphere as the Sacred Fig, it is said that that Gautama Buddha achieved enlightenment beneath its branches. Bodhi trees are planted in close proximity to every Buddhist monastery.
Every time I visit the… Read More
How many times have you received a gift from your partner and wondered for whom it was truly meant? What about the 48″ flat screen TV, that fishing trip to Maine , or the black Olds Toronado my husband bought me years ago, which I did not want? You might wonder how I have managed to find a home for Father’s Day in a Lingerie Blog, but I have discovered … Read More
One of my first real product development successes was a series of cotton knit sleepshirts which I shamelessly admit were derivatives of both Benetton and Gap T-shirt styles I had mined during an NYC shopping excavation. At the time the concept was considered revolutionary. The lingerie market was a sea of pink and blue polyester. Cotton jersey knits in bright colors and bold prints were considered heresy. It was 1985. … Read More

The bionic woman 24 hours after double hip replacement
I am on the way to visit Shirley, who is my friend and business partner while she convalesces from double hip surgery at her home in New Hampshire. Shirley is a real trooper and was quite sure she would be back in the saddle 6 minutes after she returned home from the hospital, but I knew better. She needs some TLC, … Read More
Working full time and raising three kids was no walk in the park. To maintain some semblance of serenity and focus, something had to give. Spending time on the logistics of a wardrobe was not an option. But I was enmeshed in the fashion world and I needed to appear “pulled together” no matter what other diversions were orbiting my daily life. My solution was simple; elegant white shirts from … Read More