
You have to be an animal lover to visit my sister, Beth.  Her home is the asylum for 8 wiener dogs of varying temperaments, 3 belonging to her and the remainder in foster care.  As an active member of Fido’s for Freedom and Dachshund Rescue of North America, she devotes a good chunk of her day caring for abandoned, abused and surrendered hounds.  She calls them her surrogate children.  … Read More

This Week’s Intimate Discovery:  A Tried and True Product Roars Into The 21st Century

From the time I was a little girl, I have clear memories of my mother getting dressed in her girdle and stockings.  It was, after all, the proper thing for a woman to wear and she tried vehemently to get me to comply, but alas, to no avail.  I was not into control.  I liked … Read More

Hanky Panky Joins Forces With Hello Kitty 

Finding the just-about-to-be-launched Hello Kitty Collection at the Hanky Panky showrooms last month was like traveling back in time.  I have some major memories of perusing the Hello Kitty Boutique while shopping at the Tokyo Department eons ago when I was traveling for Macy’s. My girls were young and any item with which I returned that engendered the iconic motif was welcomed … Read More

Courting Beauty ~ Natori

It’s early Sunday morning and I am watching a flock of sixteen wild turkeys grandstanding in my yard.  Eight toms and eight hens are engaged in a ritual dance of some sort:  the boys are strutting their stuff and the girls are prancing around in a  flirting match. Tails are spread wide, plumage erect as a symphony of courting cries announce each male’s presence. The female plays a subtler role, … Read More

BRIEF ALERT! Private Arts

This Week’s Intimate Discovery:  A New West Coast Panty Company Creates Undie Art

Private Arts is a LA based panty company that caught my eye at the recent CurveNY show.  I am intrigued because their DNA is right up my alley.  Founded by three artists, every design is hand drawn and then transformed into a print using the modern technical expertise available on Photoshop.  Combinations of original illustrations, photography and … Read More


It’s 6 PM on Sunday evening and I just finished two marathon days of selling off 40 years of household paraphernalia.  It was quite intense!  We found ourselves in a frenzy, giving things away for far less than their worth and refusing to let go of items at realistic prices because they anchor our memories.  Such was the story of my antique hand drawn map of the British Isles … Read More

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