
LIVE! From Paris

January 20, 2012

vibrant flowers in Paris - January 20th
It is wet and cold in Paris but that does not seem to prevent the vignettes of vibrant color from seeping through the grey mist.  I did my regular first day walk about on the Left Bank to check out certain tried and true lingerie domains (and to keep myself from caving in to jet lag).  But it’s the street scene that always captures my fancy, the … Read More


This Week’s Intimate Discovery:  An Experienced Lingerie Designer Makes a Magnificent Solo Debut

When I first met Asi Efros, I knew immediately that I was speaking to a true artist.  Asi’s first collection for her personal label, Ann Vogue, proves my instincts correct.  She showed me her concept months ago and I was excited then about the prospect of a hand crafted lingerie collection designed with the attention … Read More

Sumptuous ~ Conturelle

When I was an art student my inclination was to be focused on more modern disciplines.   I perceived the breakout spirit epitomized in the disintegration of form to be a metaphor for my general philosophy of life:  only change can bring us to a higher state.  From impressionism through abstraction, my aesthetic personal preferences were fixed.   Then, in my senior year, I traveled to Rome and had my first encounter … Read More

BRIEF ALERT! Anita Active

This Week’s Intimate Discovery:  A Great Sport’s Bra Meets Multiple Challenges.

All my work plans just changed and now I am off to Paris next week for the Lingerie shows; thus, being challenged to endure the rigors of international travel. I consider flying in this day and age an extreme sport, so I am very pleased that I own Anita’s non-wire Momentum sport’s bra (5529). It will journey with me … Read More

I have been accused, on occasion, of being “intense”.  I become interested in something, major or mundane, and I focus on it with a kind of tunnel vision.  I concentrate on the pursuit until I have reached the finish line or satisfied my compulsion.  My latest obsession is the television sci-fi epic, The Stargate Series.  Thanks to the elimination of commercials, courtesy of Netflix, I have discovered that I … Read More

This Week’s Intimate Discovery:  A European Born Brand Shows Promise in the USA

I won’t be able to attend the Salon De Lingerie show this month as family issues are holding me hostage at the moment;  I am glad that I have expert “eyes” attending.  Some of our Guest Bloggers have promised a comprehensive report.  After all, it was in Paris last year that I found the newly launched … Read More

2012. New Year: Revelation, Resolution and Re-birth.  The holidays behind us, we re-direct our priorities with an eye on transition.  It is time to hunker down and review expectations.  January is the beginning of the slow slog uphill that seems to commandeer our lives at this annual juncture.   Grey skies, budgets and reality initiate all sorts of goals in order for us to harbor hope.  When I was in my … Read More

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