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By John Festa


So they tell us. Then why isn’t there more cotton in our underwear? Sure, there’s plenty of cotton panties, but what of bras? Is this only the domain of lady golfers and Mother Earth types? Perhaps there are compelling reasons why cotton is only a small percentage of the marketplace. I’ve checked in with some of my retailer customers on this topic. The marketplace always bears the … Read More

The Essential Woman

seven_stones_350bYesterday was a pretty hectic day.  I was up and out by 7 AM for an appointment and back at my desk by 9.  Then, quite unexpectedly, I was training into Manhattan by 5 PM to meet my nephew for dinner and a show.  After the performance, a private backstage tour capped the day.  Exhilarated and exhausted, we arrived back in Westchester after midnight.   I am happy that the week-end … Read More

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